Fostering Positive Change

Our Team


Isabella Harnick

Advisory Board Member

Isabella Harnick is an Administrative Fellow at NYU Langone Health. While she is interested in transforming healthcare, particularly, she realizes that in order to have a healthier population, we must also have a more united one. Now more than ever, it is her belief that we must help to heal and unite our society as it navigates overcoming 2020’s trials and tribulations as well as the historical injustices prevalent in our society. She is particularly excited to be a part of the UMUCO Love Team, as she is someone who firmly believes that we must work together to build bridges of understanding and that that can only be done by forming connections outside of our immediate circles in order to realize elements of shared history.

Alexa Natale

Social Media Marketing Intern

Alexa Natale is currently a student at Cornell University studying Policy Analysis and Management while minoring in Law and Society, Human Development, and Business. With her interest in policy, Alexa finds it necessary to lessen the division and hate in today’s society to establish legislation that is is most effective and does not solely benefit one side of the political spectrum. With this in mind, she is a big advocate of unification and eliminating hate through this process of understanding and learning about other cultural backgrounds. Alexa is honored to have joined UMUCO Love and the amazing team that also attempts to eliminate hatred by emphasizing our unique backgrounds. She is motivated to utilize these backgrounds to create a closer community among others and to spread love through telling peoples stories.

Serena Newsom

Public Relations INTERN

Serena Newsom is currently receiving her Master’s in Healthcare Administration at Cornell University. Serena is passionate about helping those around her and has a goal to create positive change in the healthcare system. With this goal, she recognizes that the most change occurs when people from all backgrounds collectively work together to progression. As a member of the UMUCO Love team, she is motivated to spread love and encourage positive relationships between people from all walks of life as we come together and encourage unity and acceptance.


Ben Harnick

Creative Impact Intern

Ben is a Senior at Great Neck South High School and is excited to join the Umuco Love Team. Ben enjoys uncovering people’s stories through asking questions in order to gain a better understanding of why people become who and what they are. In particular, he finds it interesting to bridge the divide between generations and serves as an intern for DOROT in order to combat elderly social isolation and loneliness. Ben looks forward to applying this background and helping Umuco Love continue to form connections between different generations.


Basil Boris Kanyamibwa

History and Library Archive Leader

Boris Kanyamibwa is currently CIO at Tsquared Robotics, majoring in Robotics and Internet of Things. Boris is passionate about hands-on tech education with the goal of spreading the knowledge he's gained to different communities around the world, especially those that are underprivileged. With a keen interest in history and culture coupled with education, he believes that one person can positively impact the lives of others for the better by being inclusive and training ourselves to make informed decisions every day. “Your library is your paradise” - Desiderius Erasmus

Boris is motivated to learn from other people's life experiences and take that as a stepping stone to bring about positive change to all sorts of communities, and UMUCO Love embodies all those attributes.