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The Power of Cultural Storytelling by Dydine Umunyana

Dear Human,

I want to personally invite you to watch my TEDx speech on Cultural Storytelling that is now available on YouTube. As a Genocide survivor against the Tutsis, I believe it is important to share my story and experiences with others, in hopes of creating a better understanding of the power of cultural storytelling.

In my speech, I delve into the significance of storytelling as a means of embracing culture, heritage, and history. I discuss how storytelling can be a powerful tool for healing and reconciliation, as well as a way to promote empathy and understanding between different communities around the world.

As someone who has lived through the horrific events of the Rwandan Genocide, I have seen firsthand the importance of cultural storytelling in preserving the memories and traditions of a people. Through my speech, I aim to inspire others to embrace their own cultural traditions and to recognize the power of storytelling in shaping our collective understanding of the world.

I would be honored if you could take the time to watch my speech on YouTube and share it with your friends and colleagues. I truly believe that the message of Cultural Storytelling is one that needs to be heard by as many people as possible, and I hope that my speech can help to spark meaningful conversations and positive change in our communities. Thank you for your viewership, and please make sure to to engage in the comments and let us know what you thought of the speech :)!

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Also, a big thank you to the Umuco Love team, Bella, Serena, Alexa, Ben, Consolee, Boris, and Alex for making this happen. And thank you to the TEDx Cornell Team for giving us this opportunity and for their incredible work.

To A Life Well Lived!

Much Love,

Dydine Umunyana