Changing The World One Person At A Time Magda Zenon
Following the imprisonment of former president Jacob Zuma, protests have erupted in South Africa with calls against social injustice and inequality that continues to persist 27 years after the official end of Apartheid legislation.
We had the chance to speak with Magda Zenon, a social activist whose perspective has been influenced by having lived in apartheid South Africa -- cementing in her the need to always stand up and speak out on behalf of other’s. She explains, “for me it’s an automatic reaction; whenever there’s injustice, I have to speak out.”
Magda believes that individual acts have the power to make a difference.
Since moving to Cyprus, her activist efforts have focused, particularly, on combating gender violence and supporting women‘s participation in the peace process in Greece.
Magda currently serves as a founding member of Hands Across the Divide, the island’s first women’s organisation dedicated to bringing together women from both communities in order to work towards peace on the island.
Magda has also created a women’s forum called ‘kaleid’HER’scope,’ which brings together women on a global scale to have conversations about peacebuilding as well as other issues, such as sexual and reproductive rights, gender-based violence, trafficking, and so many other important topics. Like Umuco Love, Magda Zenon clearly has a passion for storytelling!
Overall, it was great to learn that we are united in the belief that we all have stories to tell and that there is a healing aspect to sharing those stories with each other. We invite you to listen to , and we also encourage you to reach out to us HERE so that we can hear your story, too!
P.S. We are now very close to becoming a 501(c)3! If you would like to support our non-profit work, feel free to donate to help us continue to grow our vision! (Plus, your donation is tax deductible 😉)
Love Always Wins!
The Umuco Love Team
Written by Isabella Harnick